I wonder what Paul would think about the world we live in.
Would he be on Facebook? Would he have a Twitter account?
Oh, I'd like to hope not.
Paul was single-minded in his pursuit of God, and I'm not thinking that he would tolerate the way social media turns us all away from what's truly important. How technology makes it all too easy to ignore eternity…
Today's "Bible Pick 'Ems" are his very words:
"I want you to be free from the concerns of this life…I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible."
(1 Corinthians 7:32, 35)
Can't you just hear Paul saying the same thing today?
Now I'm not slamming social media per se. I'm just echoing what Paul is saying here. People, we need to THINK about what we're doing with our time.
We live in a busy world. It's full of enticing entertainment, and clever gadgets, and a multitude of ways to pursue gratification, or amusement, or escape. In short, it's a world full of distractions.
And, as believers, we cannot afford to be distracted.
Why not?
Because time is short. Because the message of the Good News is desperately needed. Because we have been given a commission.
"And then he told them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.'" (Matthew 16:15)
Paul took that commission very seriously. He actually travelled to distant corners to preach the Gospel. Because he knew personally what it was like to be awakened by the Light of the World. He knew the power of salvation. He knew how crucial eternal matters are.
Do we?
The enemy has a thousand (a million? bazillion?) ways to sidetrack us. He's very, very good at it. He does NOT want us to serve the Lord. He wants us to worship the world. He wants us unfocused and diverted…
But Paul urges us to let go.
To live as unhindered by the cares of this world as we can. To be as free as possible from anything that might keep us from doing God's work.
Yes, it's important to be responsible to our jobs, our homes, and our families.
But oh, we must love and serve God first. Above all else. With no distractions.
So, let's take today and re-evaluate our lives, and think about how we spend our time.
Let's ask some tough questions.
Are we allowing ourselves to be consumed by the things of the world? Have we gotten sucked into the social media web? Do we spend too much time on our computers –watching TV – playing with *apps* or texting on our phones?
Are we wasting time?
Paul admonishes us, warns us.
If he was here today, I think he'd say something like this, "Make the most of the time before Christ's return. Life is short! Don't allow yourself to be preoccupied with the world."
Every person in every generation should have this sense of urgency about telling the Good News to others.
It is the ONLY thing that matters in the long run.
Thanks, Paul – we needed the reminder.
Do you need to take another look at how you spend your time?
(I am linked today with Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays, and Peggy at Soaking On SONday. Please feel free to join me during the week at my other blog, Sharon Sharing God!)
"When in doubt, search God out!"